Thursday, December 6, 2007


Embrace my sensitivity

It doesn't mean that I am weak

Embrace my sensitivity

Just think, it's a reason why we speak

Embrace my sensitivity

It's compassion without fear

It's that little light in a dark, cold room that's there for warmth and to dry your tears

Embrace my sensitivity

But don't ever walk on egg shells with me

Be who you are and do what you do, I'll understand things the way they're intended to be

Embrace my sensitivity

It's part of the best that I have to give

To think if more people were sensitive, the world would be a better place to live

Embrace my sensitivity

Even if it seems like I am hurt

It's only because I care about you and I've given you that worth

See, what some people don't understand about sensitivity; is that it's not always about pain

It's not about a bad word or deed, maybe just a reaction to why things happened a certain way

Sometimes it's putting yourself in other shoes- to better understand

To understand why we laugh and cry, that there's always another chance

So, embrace my sensitivity

Because of it, I call you friend

Embrace my sensitivity

It's part of who and what I am.

-Susan Abascal

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