Friday, April 30, 2010

Gummy Bear Surgery

Super cute... I love Gummies!!  

Thanks Ben, geekologie and zanypickle from!

Experimental Gummy Bear Surgeries

By Ben on Tue Apr 27 2010
Experimental Gummy Bear Surgeries
Gear  |  Other
Gummi Bear surgeries(heart transplant, brain transplant...) by Instructables member fungus amungus.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

2010 Mercedes Benz Corporate Run

I did it! I finished the 5K!

While this might not be a big deal for many, I'm not much of a runner so I was proud to finish the run in under 35 minutes. I'm even more proud of my co-workers for their participation and hard work. It was a pretty nice day to run too.

Maybe I'll try running more. I hope others that participated in this year's run had a good time as well. Now it's time to relax these muscles. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's Critical Mass... around 17 people just in my group. How awesome is that?!

Good job Giroski!

Buena Vista - Buena Comida

Who would have thought that love at first sight would transcend and manifest a unique French bistro in the heart of old-Midtown? A diamond in the rough some would call it, once first glance has skimmed through the bitter surroundings of its location. An easy spot to miss but all the better for those that have the fortune of its discovery. With very few choices for food in the area, owners Claude Postel and Clarie Bienvenu, have accomplished what they set out to do; establish a place in the neighborhood where people can get a good meal.

As you walk into the bistro, the aroma of fresh baked bread fills your chest while your eyes drift straight ahead admiring all the fine custard filled and fruited pastries. A slight glance to your left, would cause anyone's feet to gravitate towards their fresh meats and salads. But that's not all... READ MORE...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

545 vs. 300 Million

I'm usually not one to dive into political blunders but this one has an honest perspective that I wouldn't mind sharing. While my own political views may be somewhat conservative, my opinions are independent and non-comforming.

Former columnist of the Orlando Sentinel, Charlie Reese provided some decent food for thought on our political makeup and National dynamic.

By Charlie Reese

Politicians are the only people in the world who create problems and then
campaign against them.

Have you ever wondered, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are against deficits, WHY do we have deficits?

Have you ever wondered, if all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes, WHY do we have inflation and high taxes?

You and I don't propose a federal budget.  The president does.

You and I don't have the Constitutional authority to vote on appropriations. The House of Representatives does.

You and I don't write the tax code, Congress does.

You and I don't set fiscal policy, Congress does.

You and I don't control monetary policy, the Federal Reserve Bank does.

One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one  president, and nine Supreme Court justices equates to 545 human  beings out of the 300 million are directly, legally, morally,  and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague  this country.

I excluded the members of the Federal Reserve Board because that problem was created by the Congress.  In 1913, Congress delegated its Constitutional duty to provide a sound currency to a federally chartered, but private, central bank.

I excluded all the special interests and lobbyists for a sound reason. They have no legal authority.  They have no ability to coerce a senator, a congressman, or a president to do one cotton-picking thing.  I don't care if they offer a politician $1 million dollars in cash.  The politician has the power to accept or reject it. No matter what the lobbyist promises, it is the legislator's responsibility to determine how he votes.

Those 545 human beings spend much of their energy convincing you that what they did is not their fault.   They cooperate in this common con regardless of party. What separates a politician from a normal human being is an excessive amount of gall.  No normal human being would have the gall of a Speaker, who stood up and criticized the President for creating deficits. The president can only propose a budget.  He cannot force the Congress to accept it.

The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives sole responsibility to the House of Representatives for originating and approving appropriations and taxes.  Who is the speaker of the House?  Nancy Pelosi.  She is the leader of the majority party.  She and fellow House members, not the president, can approve any budget they want.  If the president vetoes it, they can pass it over his veto if they agree to.

It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 300 million cannot replace 545 people who stand convicted -- by present facts -- of incompetence and irresponsibility.  I can't think of a single domestic problem that is not traceable directly to those 545 people.  When you fully grasp the plain truth that 545 people exercise the power of the federal government, then it must follow that what exists is what they want to exist.

If the tax code is unfair, it's because they want it unfair.

If the budget is in the red, it's because they want it in the red ..

If the Army & Marines are in IRAQ ,  it's because they want them in IRAQ

If they do not  receive social security but are on an elite retirement plan not available  to the people, it's because they want it that way.

There are no insoluble government problems.

Do not let these 545 people shift the blame to bureaucrats, whom they hire and whose jobs they can abolish; to lobbyists, whose gifts and advice they can reject; to regulators, to whom they give the power to regulate and from whom they can take this power.  Above all, do not let them con you into the belief that there exists disembodied mystical forces like "the economy," "inflation," or "politics" that prevent them from doing what they take an oath to do.

Those 545 people and they alone, are responsible.

They and they alone, have the power.

They and they alone, should be held accountable by the people who are their bosses.

Provided the voters have the gumption to manage their own employees.

We should vote all of them out of office and clean up their mess!

This might be funny if it weren't so darned true.

Be sure to read all the way to the end:
      Tax his land,
      Tax his bed,
      Tax the table
      At which he's fed.
      Tax his tractor,
      Tax his mule,
      Teach him taxes
      Are the rule.
      Tax his work,
      Tax his pay,
      He works for peanuts
      Tax his cow,
      Tax his goat,
      Tax his pants,
      Tax his coat.
      Tax his ties,
      Tax his shirt,
      Tax his work,
      Tax his dirt.
      Tax his tobacco,
      Tax his drink,
      Tax him if he
      Tries to think.
      Tax his cigars,
      Tax his beers,
      If he cries
      Tax his tears.
      Tax his car,
      Tax his gas,
      Find other ways
      To tax his ass.
      Tax all he has
      Then let him know
      That you won't be done
      Till he has no dough.
      When he screams and hollers;
      Then tax him some more,
      Tax him till
      He's good and sore.
      Then tax his coffin,
      Tax his grave,
      Tax the sod in
      Which he's laid.
      Put these words
      Upon his tomb,
      Taxes drove me
      to my doom...'
      When he's gone,
      Do not relax,
      It’s time to apply
      The inheritance tax.  
      Accounts Receivable Tax
      Building Permit Tax
      CDL license Tax
      Cigarette Tax
      Corporate Income Tax
      Dog License Tax
      Excise Taxes
      Federal Income Tax
      Federal Unemployment Tax
      Fishing License Tax
      Food License Tax
      Fuel Permit Tax
      Gasoline Tax
      Gross Receipts Tax
      Hunting License Tax
      Inheritance Tax
      Inventory Tax
      IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties
      Liquor Tax
      Luxury Taxes
      Marriage License Tax
      Medicare Tax
      Personal Property Tax
      Property Tax
      Real Estate Tax
      Service Charge T ax
      Social Security Tax
      Road Usage Tax
      Sales Tax
      Recreational Vehicle Tax
      School Tax
      State Income Tax
      State Unemployment Tax
      Telephone Federal Excise Tax
      Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
      Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes
      Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
      Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax
      Telephone State and Local Tax
      Telephone Usage Charge Tax
      Utility Taxes
      Vehicle License Registration Tax
      Vehicle Sales Tax
      Watercraft Registration Tax
      Well Permit Tax
      Workers Compensation Tax

Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, and our nation was the most prosperous in the world.  We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids. What in the hell happened? Can you spell 'politicians?' And I still have to 'press 1' for English!?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Vote B-Cycle for Miami!

The Green initiative seems to be moving forward and thankfully so. We have to leave something for future generations to enjoy but hopefully they will have something better to look forward to.

There are so many opportunities and options for all of us to make an effort in lowering our carbon foot print. I understand that becoming a more Earth-conscious person means making changes but it doesn't mean that the transitions have to be abrupt.

Aside from making changes in our daily life considering the products we use and implementing recycling as part of our daily routine; our choice for mode of transportation seems to have the greatest impact. Lucky for us, Miami-Dade County provides a pretty decent transit system. From Homestead to the Beaches, Miami-Dade Transit provides buses and metro rail routes for easy no-traffic commuting.

Another potential Go Green initiative to take place in Miami that I think is an AWESOME idea is bike sharing. With a similar set up as the zip cars that were proposed a year or two ago (solely seen at the University of Miami), bike sharing provides an easy, clean and affordable way of getting around town with just a matter of a card swipe.

This concept is called B-Cycle. While it's currently in voting stages, B-Cycle will provide easy to use and well maintained community bicycles at bike stations strategically placed throughout various cities. B-Cycle is a collaboration among three major American companies including Humana, Trek Bicycle Corporation and Crispin Porter + Bogusky.

What's even cooler about the B-Cycle is the technology behind it. B-Cycle relies on the integration of hardware and software to keep track of members and bikes, and all the interactions between users and bikes. Each bike will have "Proprietary GPS (global positioning system) and RFID (radio frequency identification) technologies" that will make it possible for bike sharing to be so smart and simple for its users. All rides will be tracked by the system and associated with members. Data such as distance, duration, calories burned, and carbon offset will be captured and uploaded to personal web pages at

How awesome is that? I think it will completely reinforce each individuals Earth-conscious initiative. So how do we make this possible? We VOTE! Just check out the site at and be sure to visit their Who Wants It More? page and vote!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Time to get back in shape. Time for DailyBurn!

After just recently skimming past life's 1/4-mark and now at the not so tender age of 26, I've forced myself to come to terms that I no longer have the body or rather metabolism of an 18 year old. Yes, the mid to late 20's certainly don't feel like 30 but I guess this is life's way of prepping you for the journey onward. Oh how I'm going to miss couch potato days of pure gluttony and bliss. I guess from time to time I'll be able to sit back and reminisce of scarfing down almost a whole pizza or going on a Ruffles binge. Then I'll look into the mirror and snap myself back into reality- Susy you're not a teenager anymore!

Before you get the assumption I'm just an all out mass food gorger, I just happen to be a food enthusiast. Throughout most of my life it's been rather easy to maintain a slim, petite figure. For the most part I've always managed to stay physically active to support my crazy eating habits. However, as life goes on and I get older, some things decide to slow down all on their own.

Work + School + Social Events + Just Life In General = Busy Susy = Slower Metabolism and Less Time to Workout

I find myself having to plan out and purposely structure my day and my diet just so I can get myself a little closer to how my body used to be. I figure if I can maintain a somewhat proper diet and exercise regime than I can hopefully prolong that post 30's slope. Lord knows I've tried several programs, pills and what not just get back to my fantasy weight and it just seems like I've completely plateaued even though my visible body may have changed.

So, a friend of mine introduced me to yet another site dedicated to those interested in getting into shape and I figured, once again, why not?! It's called the Daily Burn for others desperate to get back in shape and want something new to try.

I set up a profile today, set my goals, meals and picked my workouts. My friend says I should results within 60 days. I'm crossing my fingers and getting ready to kick my ass in the gym.

If you like, feel free to check it out:

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

You know you grew up in the 80s if...

  1. You had a crush on one of the New Kids on the Block members.
  2. You wanted to be on StarSearch.
  3. You ever uttered the word "Radical!"
  4. You wore jelly shoes and jelly bracelets
  5. You thought "Ghostbusters" was by far the coolest movie
  6. You remember watching shows like "Punky Brewster" , "Webster", "You Can't Do That On Television" , "Wild&Crazy Kids" and "Double Dare"
  7. You can remember what Michael Jackson looked like before his nose fell off. Or even when he had those freaky eyes in "Thriller" at the end of the video.
  8. You wore a banana clip in your hair or one of those slap on wrist bands at some point during your youth.
  9. You rolled up the bottoms of your splatter painted jeans.
  10. You wore loafers with everything, and you put the laces in those little rolls.
  11. You had slouch socks, and puff painted your own shirt at least once.
  12. You owned a doll with 'Xavier Roberts' signed on it's butt.
  13. You knew what Willis was "talkin' 'bout."
  14. You know the profound meaning of "Wax on, Wax off."
  15. You can name half of the members of the elite "Brat Pack."
  16. You can remember watching Full House and Saved by the Bell for endless hours!
  17. You have seen at least 10 episodes of Fraggle Rock.
  18. You yearned to be a member of The Babysitters Club, and tried to start a club of your own.
  19. You sat on your back porch, playing with your "My Little Pony" , "Rainbow Brite" , and "Strawberry Shortcake" dolls
  20. You know that another name for a keyboard is a "Synthesizer."
  21. You hold a special place in your heart for "Back to the Future."
  22. You know where to go if you "wanna go where everybody knows your name."
  23. You thought Molly Ringwald was REALLY cool.
  24. You know what "sike" and "not!" mean
  25. You fell victim to 80's fashion : big hair, crimped, combed over to the side, big hoop earrings, and possibly the worst:you wore spandex pants.
  26. You wanted to be a Goonie, or Elliot from E.T.
  27. You owned an extensive collection of Cabbage Patch Kids and trolls.
  28. You knew "The Artist" when he was humbly called "Prince."
  29. You actually saw Ted Danson as the MacDaddy he played "Sam" to be.
  30. You ever wore flourescent -neon if you will clothing....
  31. You could breakdance, or wished you could.
  32. You know who He-Man and She-Ra are.
  33. You remember when ATARI was a state of the art video game system.
  34. You know all the words to "Ice Ice Baby".
  35. You remember MC hammer well.
  36. You can still sing the rap to "Fresh Prince of Belair".
  37. You own any cassettes.
  38. You were led to believe that in the year 2000 we'd all be living on the moon.
  39. You remember and/or own any of the CareBear Glass collection from PizzaHut.
  40. Pizza Hut was the coolest place to hang.
  41. Poltergeist freaked you out.
  42. You carried your lunch to school in a Gremlins or an E.T. lunchbox.
  43. You have ever pondered why Smurfette was the ONLY female smurf.
  44. You wanted to communicate with some being named Cinergy, or you wanted green hair like that lead singer of the Misfits.
  45. You totally LOVED Barbie's cooler, punkier counterpart, "Jem" and her "Rockers"
  46. You wanted to have an alien like Alf living in your house.
  47. You wore biker shorts underneath a short skirt and felt stylish.
  48. You wore tights under shorts and felt stylish.
  49. You layered your multi-colored slouch socks, and added suspenders to make your outfit complete.
  50. You ever had a Swatch Watch.
  51. You actually spent countless hours trying to perfect the care-bear stare.
  52. You had a crush on one of the Coreys
  53. You remember when Saturday Night Live was funny.
  54. You had WonderWoman or Superman underwear.
  55. You wanted to be The Hulk for Halloween.
  56. You believed that "By the power of Greyskull, you HAD the power"
  57. You thought that Transformers were more than meets the eye.
  58. Partying "like it's 1999" seemed SO far away!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  59. You ever owned or wanted any of the NKOTB action figures or dolls.
  60. You remember when Deborah Gibson was "Debbie" Gibson.

What to wear to an 80s theme party...


Throwback 80s Theme Party

We're taking it back old school and doing the 80s with some Miami flair!

So grab your old school kicks, chunky chains and don't forget the neon.

Party with us this Saturday, March 13th at EPIC River Lounge!

Oh, and did I mention- it's MY BIRTHDAY!?!

We will be jamming to everything 80s and I want to see that 80s fashion! Don't be afraid to put on your 80s best and join us for another fun MUL party.

All are invited and there will be complimentary entrance for you and your guest between 8PM-Midnight (12AM).

Just remember that you and your guests must RSVP.

Ladies- We will have a complimentary happy hour from 9PM-10PM!

80s Attire is highly suggested!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

FREE Beer Tasting at Waxy's hosted by and Sam Adams


Enjoy a FREE Beer Tasting experience at
Waxy's on the River this Friday the 19th from 7pm - 10pm.

Hosted by: and Sam Adams

Participants will enjoy the sampling of some of Sam Adam's finest beers featuring their
Boston Lager, Sam Light, Noble Pils (Seasonal), and Cherry Wheat.

It is FREE to participate but we encourage all interested to RSVP for preferred seating.
Get there early while supplies last!

Platanos and Collard Greens

Now at the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts in the Carnival Studio Theater, come see this country-wide Off-Broadway hit!

"A modern day West Side Story!" raved The New York Times.

Spicy, sweet and delicious, Platanos and Collard Greens is the long-running off-Broadway hip-hop romantic comedy that asks if love between Blacks and Latinos can survive.

College kids Freeman and Angelita give it a try—until her Mom finds out and has a heart attack. It's a star-crossed love affair guaranteed to make you think while laughing out loud!

The Courier Times, the New York metropolitan area's leading African-American newspaper, called it "stimulating, breathtaking, a mind-blowing must-see!" La Diva Latina Magazine said "Bring your appetite for laughter when you go to see this novela set on stage!"

Platanos and Collard Greens has enchanted audiences of over 150,000 both Off Broadway in New York City and around the country.

"It's a play that everyone can relate to!" said the New York Amsterdam News. Don't miss out!

Performances will be running from February 17th thru 28th with weekday shows at 7:30PM and two performances on weekends at both 2:00PM and 7:30PM. Tickets vary from $15-$35. Please visit the Adrienne Arsht Center site for more information or click here to be linked directly to page.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Super Bowl Comes to Miami with Star Studded Events

There's nothing like bringing a major event to Miami. What a week of excitement and festivities for the welcoming of Super Bowl 44. Miami's hottest lounges, bars and clubs have been star-studded all week with NFL players, celebrities and artists. I'm sure they've had as much fun as I have been having this week. a

With anticipation for Sunday's big game at it's peak, I decided to break away from my weekly routine of work, school and occasional community events and have a little fun with the out-of-towners.

Just a little behind from the rest of the city this week, my festivities started Tuesday night at PLAY Nightclub(formerly The 5th)where Pamela Anderson and Richie Rich hosted a fashion show by A'Muse. DJ Jessica WHO? kept the night bumping as some of Sobe's hottest dancers graced the booth tops displaying acrobatic feats leaving many onlookers with jaws dropped. After a few hours of partying at PLAY we moved along to the Delano to join the after party with Rob Base and DJ E-Z Rock.


Pamela Anderson and Richie Rich

I was able to make it through the night and off to work with only 3 hours of sleep. My day flew by with work then school and then back to the scene. There's nothing like Wednesdays atBlue Martini in Brickell. Us locals refer to the venue as just "Blue".

Walking in through the door the music was definitely bumping and as I looked to my right, it was Mr. Gigolo himself Nick Cannon.

Hmm... maybe I should refer to him as Mr. Ex-Gigolo now since he's married to the ever-so talented and beautiful Mariah Carey. As I made my way through the usual crazy crowd, I couldn't get a glimpse of Miss Mariah anywhere but a little birdie told me she was there... oh well. Maybe I'll catch the butterfly another time.

My night ended rather early (before 3am) and thankfully so considering it was only "hump day" and my Thursdays are pretty intense. However, I was sent a pic courtesy of capturing me in true form- always with my phone in hand and on the go.

And so my week continues... Last night I was given a wonderful opportunity to attend the Ne-Yo concert thanks to the gracious invitation by Miss Crystal Chancellor from the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts. If you haven't been to the Arsht Center... please be sure to put it on your list of things to do and see in Miami. Their beautiful state of the art facility sits like a gem with it's sister building the Ziff Ballet Opera House, glowing white and illuminating our metropolis. Seriously, the architecture and lighting is beautiful in these facilities.

Arriving just on time for the concert due to the crazy traffic along Biscayne Blvd, I briefly met with Miss Chancellor and a few friends right before the music began playing. It just so happened the AAA had some events, Cavalia is still going on and congestion getting onto the 395 to get to the beach for the Rihanna/Justin Beiber concert had things backed up a bit.

Unfortunately I forget the headliner for the concert but he was pretty good and definitely entertaining. He got the crowd up and dancing to a few jams.

Then they announce Jagged Edge was going to perform next... OMG!! If you don't know who they are, they are one of the best R&B groups that emerged out of the mid-90s and breaking into the millenium. More of the new age R&B/Soul. They kicked off with some classics such as "I Gotta Be" and "Promise." Needless to say that the crowd went wild and they had Miss Susy definitely reminiscing of old school jams.


As if that weren't a treat all in its own, there came the main event... the "Gentleman," Ne-Yo. Women and girls came flocking to the stage as he begun "Doo doo dooo do doo... " and continued with "My Sexy Love"...

Talk about baby making music... ha ha! He walks, talks, sings and dresses the part of a true Gentleman. Oh and the man can move. I sat and gazed as he glided across the stage paying tribute the great King of Pop- Michael Jackson.

He's one of the few artists now days keeping the flair of the old school rhythm and blues alive for the new generation. Reminiscent of Avant, Maxwell and Babyface, Ne-Yo's voice touches the soul.


What an awesome concert and week so far! I'm super excited for the weekend and of course Super Bowl Sunday. Go Saints!

Now off to the Clevelander for Nelly Furtado and Pitbull Concert... what a mix!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Keeping it Moderate- More Spring Shoes

Here are some more gorgeous and sexy finds for Spring to keep that bounce in your step.

For my ladies that like to keep it moderate and don't mind spending just a couple of extra bucks, check out these beaded, vibrant colored and funky heeled beauties!

Practical for work and sassy enough for play. I'm so loving Boutique 9, Luichiny and Dereon!

Just click on the shoe and it will take you to the site. Enjoy ladies!

Fab Heels for Spring under $50

Spring is upon us... Hello bright colors, open toes, strappy heels and wedges!

I don't know about you but I'm well over the cold weather. Boots are cute but OMG! this is Miami; it's unnatural for our beautiful feet and legs to be covered.

So I got a head start on some Spring Shopping and found a couple of really "hard to pass up" deals under $50. Yellows, aqua, reds and natural tones... From BCBG and Naughty Monkey to Guess and Jessica Simpson. All I have to say is SIGH...

Remember ladies, Spring is all about the sundresses and blooming colors. As always, having the right shoe to complete the outfit is essential.

Check out these fab finds recently added to collection:

Monday, January 18, 2010

Documenting Ralph and Aileen's Engagement Photos

Friday, January 15, 2010

Haiti Relief Effort- New INFO!

NEW INFO!!! New drop off location and no cutoff date!!!

Immediate Relief Needed For Haiti!!! Take Action Now!!!

Sow A Seed is collecting relief items in collaboration with Food For The Poor and other organizations. For the time being we are only collecting the most urgently needed items; presently, we are not accepting clothes & shoes.

One of the most effective ways of taking action is to make online donations at

If you would like to send a check by mail send to:
8004 N.W. 154th Street # 412
Miami Lakes, FL 33016

Sow a Seed is a non-profit organization created by a group of young professionals to provide the basic essentials for disadvantaged children living in extreme poverty in Haiti. In light of the recent tragedy we are converging all of our efforts towards earthquake relief.

Every member of SOW A SEED works on a benevolent basis. We are all volunteers.

Below are different drop-off locations in different areas:

Milans Kitchen
Phone: (305) 773-4277
10832 SW 104 STREET unit # 101
Miami, FL 33186
M-F 10:00am-7:00pm
Sat. 12:00pm-4:00pm

Le Chic Events (Judith Joseph)
Phone: (561) 305-3375
1140 Holland Drive Suite 21
Boca Raton, Fl 33487
Monday thru Sunday 7:00am-7:00pm

World Wide Photo
Phone: (305) 756 -1744
5040 Biscayne Blvd.
Miami, Fl 33137
M-F 9:00am-6:00pm
Sat. 9:00am-5:00pm


Phone: (305) 471-8456
7966 NW 14th Street
Doral, Fl 33126
Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm

Print Giants
406 14th Street
Miami Beach, FL 33139
(305) 531-6994
Monday-Friday 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Items needed:
Canned Food (Meats, Fish, Beans, Soups)
Powdered Milk
Canned Milk
Sleeping Bags
Tents (very important started raining)
Water Tablets
Water Purification Systems
Hygiene Kits
Energy Bars
Medical Supplies (Not Expired)
First Aid Kits

Ready for Scuba...

I finally made it down to Austin's Dive Shop today. Wow, they were such a great help with getting me set up for my scuba classes. I got some awesome fins, snorkel, mask, booties and dive tables. There's still a few more things I need to pick up. I'm just so excited. LoL- I have the Pointer Sisters playing in my head.

Saturday we have our water tests and first instruction for skin diving. Pretty basic stuff but it's only a step closer to my underwater explorations.

Hee-hee can't wait for the summer!

Oh... check out my fins:

Customizing my blog...

Please disregard the appearance here for a while. I'm bouncing around with aesthetics. If you have any suggestions, feel free to drop a line.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Dodgeball Pre-Tournament Game #1

Are you ready?!

First game of 2010 and we're doing it big!!

If you haven't signed up for a team yet, please do so. There are 6 players per team. I will keep sign up available/open until next Wednesday. Make sure you pick a team name and get your team on lock.

Our first game is on Friday, January 15th at 7:30 PM at the Midtown Indoor Soccer Stadium. Participants that have signed up will be able to use stadium facilities for the day.

If you haven't been to our previous games, it's a freaking blast and laughing riot.

See for yourself:
Video 1
Video 2

Plus, we have a kick-ass happy hour after at Ecco with 2 for 1 drink specials.

Remember January games are Pre-Tournament games! We will be playing the 15th, 22nd and 29th. Tournament will start in February! So bring your "A" game!

Current teams are as follows:

Miss Susy's Team (Biscayne Brawlers):
Miss Susy
Alex MUL
Tara Irani
Darren Collette
Rick Chavez

Rob (DAC)'s Team: DAC Attack
Jennifer Rathjens
Carla Perrone
Lisa Conner
Lee "the bruiser" Bockus
Mirco Tomasi

Rob DiDonato's Team:The Jungle Poachers
Rob DiDonato
Rick Cabrera
Need 4 more players

Luigi's Team: Megacity Squad
Christian Tang
Christina Almendares

Lexi's Team:
Rick Alonso

Brian (Ecco): Team ECCO
Need 5 more players

Thomas Terrell: The Savage Slangers
John Lancaster
Need 3 more players

Haiti Relief Effort- Lending a hand to Haiti

I know this may be a little last minute but I'm hoping we can all come together and help.

As most of you may know Tuesday afternoon, January 12th, the worst earthquake in 200 years - 7.0 in magnitude - struck less than ten miles from the Caribbean city of Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

The initial quake was later followed by more than twelve aftershocks greater than magnitude 5.0. Structures of all kinds were damaged or collapsed, from shantytown homes to national landmarks. It is still very early in the recovery effort, but millions are likely displaced, and thousands are feared dead as rescue teams from all over the world are now descending on Haiti to help where they are able.

A close friend of mine has made it her own personal quest to gather some supplies to help her Haitian friends here in Miami. The supplies gathered will be shipped out this coming Monday. For this reason we will be gathering supplies for the next couple of days in order to be able to ship a good amount. Efforts are being put in from all over the world and I think there is always something more to be done!

We will be collecting in the Brickell/Downtown area also over the next few days. If you have any questions please feel free to contact my friend, Gina at 305-984-7853.

The following is a list of supplies that are needed;
• Water Purification Systems

There have been some drop off locations established, if you feel this is easier for you or closer to your house feel free to go ahead and use these locations, All drop-offs should be done no later than Saturday 1-16-2010. Please call before making drop-offs. Below are different Drop-off locations in different areas:

Phone: (305) 773-4277
10832 SW 104 STREET unit # 101
Miami, FL 33186
M-F 10:00am-7:00pm
Sat. 12:00pm-4:00pm

2. Le Chic Events (Judith Joseph)
Phone: (561) 305-3375
1140 Holland Drive Suite 21
Boca Raton, Fl 33487
Monday thru Sunday 7:00am-7:00pm

3. World Wide Photo
Phone: (305) 756 -1744
5040 Biscayne Blvd.
Miami, Fl 33137
M-F 9:00am-6:00pm
Sat. 9:00am-5:00pm

4. Anndex
Phone: (305) 471-8456
7966 NW 14th Street
Doral, Fl 33126
Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm

Thank you all in advance for all your help!

No more US Postal Service?

On my way to work this morning I was listening to the radio and caught the tail end of a discussion for things they anticipate to be obsolete by 2019. The list was taken from which I also posted below.

I can understand why/how most of what they listed would become non-existent, but #3 (USPS)- that would definitely be a shocker. Especially considering that the United States Postal Service has been a critical part of our national history for well over 200 years. As society continues to grow with technology and become more and more paperless, will the USPS be able to keep up or will we lose this part of history soon?

Any thoughts?

Michael Huang shared:

"In my vision for 2019, I see some everyday devices and services going away.

1. Print Media
While the bells seem to already be tolling for newspapers and magazines across the country,
within the next ten years we will see print media re-invent itself as internet news media. While there is still some value in the branding of newspapers, as a physical medium, magazines and newspapers have their days numbered.

2. DVDs
Blu-ray in many respects has already succeeded DVD as a media standard. While currently movies are simultaneously released on DVD and Blu-ray, it is likely that within the next ten years, DVD sales will plummet as Blu-ray sales increase. As long as people want to own their media, Blu-ray will be relevant. When network bandwidth increases in speed such that video-on-demand and digital media can be streamed in HD resolution and sold to consumers, will we see physical media go away.

3. U.S. Postal Service Mail Delivery

I don't think they'll be around as they are now in 10 years. With their largest customer being Netflix, the U.S. Postal Service is only active 6 days a week, and there was talk about reducing their delivery days to 5 days a week. I view Forever Stamps as a last ditch effort to increase their cash flow. Currently, Internet businesses are dependent on them as a delivery system, so I expect a Mail System Bailout to happen in the next ten years, which may involve Netflix or eBay to attempt to buyout or merge with the USPS if it seems likely to fail.

4. Books
This is a contentious choice, but I suspect by 2019, that as many people will have e-readers that own iPods today, and just like CDs have more or less disappeared since the iPod, the same will be true with physical books. Once an e-reader has wireless digital download capability like the Kindle, it becomes very possible to sell reading material digitally for a fee. Online shopping made it possible to buy anything 24-hours a day, digital downloading e-books makes it possible to buy reading material 24-hours a day from anywhere. Just as it took movie studios a while to decide to release movies online, expect book publishers to move slowly to the online market as well; but 10 years from now, most books will be available in print and e-book, with the majority of sales being e-book. Going online will also re-open up sales for out-of-print and discontinued books in the publisher's catalog.

5. Videogame Consoles with Physical Media

Currently all the videogame systems on the market right now rely on CD/DVD/Blu-ray media or cartridges/cards. In 2019, all games will be downloaded directly to the videogame system.

6. Gasoline Exclusive Engines and Manual Transmissions

Hybrid engines will become the major engine type for Americans by 2019; while some remaining cars on the road will still have gasoline engines, the vast majority will be replaced by Hybrid. Manual Transmissions vehicles have been on a steady decline since the introduction of the Automatic transmission; with the Dual Clutch Transmission, the car's computer can shift faster and more accurately than a Manual. However, cars still won't fly (or hover).

7. Hard Drives
I think by 2019, these will all be solid-state. Faster, and more reliable than their magnetically based counterparts, right now the only factor is price, but as the price drops, expect solid state to take over the market.

8. Staplers, Printers, Fax Machines, Copiers, Scanners

As the need for paper documents is steadily decreasing, I expect that the need for these paper-based office supplies to diminish greatly in the coming years. As we become more digitally focused and tied to the Internet and computers in all manner of office work, I suspect that in 10 years, the only paper documents we see around the office will be post-it notes. Shredders will still be around to shred credit card offers.

9. Physical Maps and Atlas
With GPS technology and Google Maps, the need for map data stored on paper will be greatly diminished.

10. Phone books and Encylopedias
If you can use the internet, you don't need a phone book. With GPS and location aware services, there is isn't much need for a 4 inch regional reference volume. Encylopedias are in the same situation -- there is no reason to consult an encyclopedia when the Wikipedia is available online and contains up-to-date information. With Internet access becoming more available than library access, there is no future for large, bulky tomes of reference."