Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A rant- sadness in lies...

I don't understand why people do the things they do. I guess to some extent, we as humans, aren't supposed to understand everything. However, some things just overwhelmingly perplex me. It's sad and frustrating.

I've always believed myself to be an understanding, accepting and forgiving person. I believe myself to be more than fair in most situations and I rarely ever get mad at anyone or anything. I won't say that I don't get upset because I certainly do and I can't help that because I'm just one of those sensitive people in the world. Well, atleast to those I've let close enough in my life to be able to call friends- family of course too.

I've come to experience a lot of awful things in this very short time I've been given to call my LIFE. Don't get me wrong, I've also experienced some of the most beautiful things in life that so many people would wish to know. Yet, in those awful things, I've come to learn and grow as a person. I've learned to forgive those that have hurt me, that have stolen from me, cheated me and walked out of my life. I've even come to accept people opinions and objections, circumstances and misfortunes.

The one thing though that I could never understand or grasp in the slightest is a persons relentless ignorance in their conviction to lie to me. For most people know that I seldom pass any judgment and I'm more than understanding and accepting of most situations/ideas/actions.

It's the worst thing to do to me. It's a disrespect to any person. How can you put value in a person that can't speak the truth or at least admit to the truth in order to maintain their dignity and respect? The thing is you can't.

It's such an awful thing to lose any respect, belief, admiration, faith, trust- an entire perception of/in a person. It's never the lie a person tells- people can see right through those things. It's just the matter of a person telling a lie.

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